Tired of your car insurance being declined, canceled, credit scored or up-rated? Try High Risk Auto Insurance companies (469) 546-0021.
If you are having trouble with High Risk Auto Insurance coverage because of a DUI, moving violations or accidents and would like to find out what your assigned risk options are, simply request no obligation assistance below and we’ll have a licensed non standard risk auto insurance specialist agent assist you.
Protect your car, van, pickup or SUV with assigned risk type personal auto insurance coverage. Talk with our assigned risk insurance agent/broker to get free High Risk Auto Insurance insurance quotes.
Personal auto insurance plans don’t take some factors in to account like, credit score, education, occupation or how many policies that you have had in the last three years. Oh and you don’t have to have a college degree to benefit. We insure those with DUI’s, Suspended Licenses, Multiple accidents and other things that people get personal auto insurance denied or have coverage canceled for.
We proudly offer Progressive high risk commercial fleet insurance in several states and adding more all of the time. Commercial Insurance Agencies is an Authorized Progressive Agency for personal and also commercial auto and fleet trucking policies.
We will help you learn how a DUI affects insurance rates and help find the cheapest high risk auto insurance policy that you qualify for. We will compare all options available to our licensed agents in an attempt to secure coverage for you. We look forward to helping you.
- Personal assigned risk insurance – Personal Auto or Car insurance, HO-3 Coastal homes, coastal homes flood insurance, Mobile Homes, Recreational Vehicles (Boats, Jet Skis, ATVs), Vacant Properties, Inner City Dwellings, Personal Umbrella Policies and many more.
- Commercial assigned risk insurance – General Contractors, Vacant Commercial/Industrial Properties, Habitational, Professional Liability, Liquor Liability, Bars/Restaurants, Commercial Property, Local Trucking, Busing, Intermediate Trucking, Long Haul Trucking, Taxis & Transportation, Roofing-Roofer, Excess Liability, Errors & Omissions, Medical Malpractice and many more.
Ever wonder what High Risk Auto Insurance rates are from different US states? To give you an idea, take a look at the varying rates for two categories of high risk drivers in each of the 50 states.:
State | Average | Speeding Violation | DUI + Accident | Young Driver |
Alabama | $858 | $1,290 | $2,564 | $4,692 |
Alaska | $1,248 | $1,368 | $2,598 | $3,144 |
Arizona | $1,215 | $1,608 | $3,513 | $4,468 |
Arkansas | $1,107 | $1,164 | $2,968 | $6,792 |
California | $1,830 | $3,060 | $7,794 | $6,177 |
Colorado | $1,512 | $1,908 | $3,060 | $4,792 |
Connecticut | $1,842 | $2,140 | $6,704 | $7,964 |
Delaware | $1,863 | $3,450 | $6,156 | $8,716 |
Florida | $1,576 | $2,424 | $3,384 | $4,278 |
Georgia | $1,662 | $2,136 | $3,246 | $4,732 |
Hawaii | $864 | $1,092 | $3,186 | $900 |
Idaho | $852 | $1,038 | $1,568 | $3,309 |
Illinois | $1,320 | $2,784 | $2,004 | $6,279 |
Indiana | $1,068 | $1,134 | $1,584 | $3,330 |
Iowa | $795 | $1,446 | $1,608 | $4,248 |
Kansas | $1,016 | $1,188 | $3,780 | $4,680 |
Kentucky | $1,560 | $2,860 | $4,084 | $9,807 |
Louisiana | $2,104 | $3,588 | $5,934 | $11,176 |
Maine | $584 | $828 | $1,692 | $3,188 |
Maryland | $1,440 | $2,193 | $3,561 | $9,252 |
Massachusetts | $1,252 | $1,736 | $3,606 | $4,076 |
Michigan | $2,766 | $4,092 | $6,032 | $11,271 |
Minnesota | $975 | $1,568 | $1,851 | $3,366 |
Mississippi | $1,284 | $1,326 | $2,100 | $3,978 |
Missouri | $1,124 | $1,260 | $1,708 | $3,784 |
Montana | $1,256 | $1,428 | $1,952 | $4,656 |
Nebraska | $1,113 | $1,020 | $2,382 | $3,927 |
Nevada | $1,848 | $2,252 | $3,380 | $7,208 |
New Hampshire | $1,320 | $1,760 | $2,020 | $4,335 |
New Jersey | $2,416 | $4,452 | $6,576 | $9,048 |
New Mexico | $1,508 | $1,532 | $3,744 | $5,504 |
New York | $1,812 | $2,544 | $5,532 | $6,216 |
North Carolina | $822 | $1,260 | $2,703 | $1,953 |
North Dakota | $1,396 | $1,856 | $3,360 | $5,244 |
Ohio | $824 | $856 | $1,848 | $3,352 |
Oklahoma | $1,908 | $2,120 | $3,876 | $7,464 |
Oregon | $1,396 | $2,133 | $1,380 | $5,024 |
Pennsylvania | $1,819 | $2,028 | $3,436 | $10,208 |
Rhode Island | $2,051 | $2,190 | $3,492 | $8,000 |
South Carolina | $768 | $816 | $1,704 | $2,752 |
South Dakota | $1,002 | $1,122 | $1,842 | $4,320 |
Tennessee | $1,244 | $1,304 | $3,988 | $4,092 |
Texas | $1,230 | $1,242 | $2,298 | $4,068 |
Utah | $1,041 | $1,056 | $2,607 | $4,827 |
Vermont | $993 | $1,060 | $1,764 | $3,432 |
Virginia | $1,074 | $1,161 | $2,460 | $3,471 |
Washington | $1,328 | $916 | $2,120 | $6,000 |
West Virginia | $1,420 | $1,568 | $2,952 | $6,088 |
Wisconsin | $1,545 | $2,064 | $3,600 | $7,227 |
Wyoming | $940 | $966 | $2,016 | $3,738 |
Assigned Risk Insurance helps consumers having problems finding coverage
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